Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Seperate schools for pregnant girls vs. homeschooling vs. staying in school

An article on Takepart.com outlines the experience of an attorney and her thoughts on helping pregnant teens graduate. 

In short, she argues that pregnant teens often are forced out of school simply for being pregnant.  They sometimes are home schooled.  However, in New York City a small number of "P schools" were established.  These schools were specially designed for pregnant teens.  While geared toward pregnant teens, the schools are criticized by her as being too easy.  It is no doubt difficult to raise a newborn and go to school, but is it fair to graduate pregnant teens if they don't face the same rigorous studies as other high school students?  The P schools are now closed in New York.

Do you think its a good idea to have special schools for teenage mothers?  They have specific and unique needs and could benefit from a special school.  Do you think teenage mothers should try and stay at their current school, even though it might be difficult to complete attendance and academic requirements while raising a child?  Should Teenage mother be home schooled?  Is it more important to have the diploma than learn the information it symbolizes?

Although difficult, I think it would be best for teen mothers to attempt to graduate from regular high schools.  I think that the better education is worth the extra time and effort, and resources should be spent trying to keep teen parents in school rather than establishing special schools for them.

Taylor Z.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Is teenage marriage a solution?

Corey Simms, Leah Messer

Teen Mom's Leah Pulls Plug on Marriage,
Divorcing Corey After Six Months
An avid Teen Mom watcher as well as Sixteen and Pregnant watcher, this news crushed me yesterday. We were all pulling for them! But, it seems like its final. Corey and Leah are getting divorced. This made me look into more statistics on teenage marriage/divorce rates. Was it just fame going to their heads or are teenage couples just not always ready for it? I looked at an article by the Center for Law and Social Policy, and it seems like marriage just isn't always in the best interest so young. What do you all think? Should couples try to "make it work" for the baby? Or is it better to wait it out until your older?

Sarah D

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Title X...again

We all know the crazy controversy that went on last week about the government shutting down. SHUTTING DOWN!? That can't be good for the economy. Why is this even relevant to this blog about 16 and pregnant. WELL since you asked...I shall tell you...Kind of. I'm not really well versed in the taxes, budget cuts, and political parties areas but what I do know made some sense to me. It was basically a stalemate between the democrats and the republicans about tax cuts for funding for family planning organizations. Well of course the word abortions loomed in the air every conversation that was had. The parties couldn't agree so everything was going to be at a stand still. Entertainingly enough the President's reaction to John Boehner when he asked for the elimination of funds for title X....Obama said "Nope. ZERO"

This is so fascinating the back and fourth between the two parties about issues that most of these men would not even have to endure once in their live. Thursday it was decided that no money would be cut and the government wouldn't shut down. Go America! What do you all think?

-Alice M.